Today's Professional

Today's Professional

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Innovation: Is it in your organization?


Innovation. Innovation. Innovation. I just enjoy saying the world so much. The term innovation has become a famed business jargon word. Think synergy, change agent, or game-changer. Words and phrase quickly lose their meaning, their true essence when they are over used in the office. However, I feel true innovators never dilute the true meaning of this word. True innovators are not only start-up tech companies, true innovators can be found throughout the aggregate workforce.

The question I pose is, are you an innovator? To answer this question we need to look at the meaning of innovation. Innovation is the act of introducing something new. Simple enough right? Well in business, introducing something new is not enough to be considered innovative. Innovation in business means the act of introducing something new that increases revenue or decreases cost. I should add, that innovation in
terms of a start-up is the act of introducing something new that changes the market, and forces other, more established companies to become innovative themselves.

Let us now focus on the individual worker, from the marketer to the customer service manager. May be a marketers need to be innovative is too simple of an example. Most understand that marketing takes a
creative and innovative approach to render attention to the product or service in question. So let's look at a customer service manager and how they can be innovative.

In my opinion the customer service manager is the most important position (at least at my organization). This person is responsible for ensuring that customers are happy. Happy customers means continued business. Continued business means revenue. And revenue is good. Now how can a customer service manager be innovative?

A customer service manager should look for new ways to engage customers and clients in order to ensure their satisfaction and dedication to the brand. By doing this, the CSM ensures continual business from the customer. Some examples I have come across and seen implemented include:

Personal Thank You Photos: A customer service manager along with the account manager and other team members take a picture with a personal message to the new client thanking them for their business. This is a simple way to say thank you and put the personal touch on the thank you. Often times B2B transactions occur without ever meeting the client or account manager. By taking a photo of your team with a personal thank you, you send clients a message that you are real and there for them.

Using Social Networks for Customer Service: Utilizing Facebook, Twiiter, LinkedIn or other social networking for customer service (when appropriate) allows for transparency, a chance to address other issues through forums, and again puts a personal spin on customer service.

Gamification of Your Website: Awarding customers for interacting on your website, using your product, or making additional purchases can result in fostered relationships. This process allows for your customers to learn more about your product and increases the incentive for customers to provide feedback.

I would love to hear your ideas on innovation and how you bring it to your place of work.

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